How to Be Like Rotting Christ

Welcome to The Chelfdom, where we dive into the world of music and explore what it takes to make an impact. In this edition, we're turning our focus to the unstoppable force that is Rotting Christ. These Greek metal legends have forged their own path, fearlessly standing by their beliefs and captivating fans across the globe. Join me as I dissect the secrets of their success and discover how you too can channel their unwavering dedication, connect with your audience, and leave a lasting mark in the music industry.

Image: Chelf Dortlouke

Stick to your unpopular opinions. 

I once asked Sakis how they get in trouble so often.

He laughed and said that they wouldn’t back off. They stick to their values even when times get hard. Popularity and accuracy are not the same. Sticking to your principles even when the entire society seems to be against that, takes whole lotta balls. Rotting Christ will speak their mind but they will not shame others for not being on the same page. However, they will lead by example by doing what they think is right. At the end of the day, who do you want to be on good terms with? Yourself or society? That's your answer, right there.  

Image: Chelf Dortlouke

Help others rise 

Rotting Christ continually create positive ties and trust with lesser-known bands and artists. In a sea of hostile antagonism and inherently destructive benchmarking, they take the high road and show the entire world how it's done. They mentor, inspire and assist others. The truth is we rise by lifting others and the fastest way to succeed is to help others grow to the best of your ability. So if you find yourself in a place which gives you the power to hinder one’s success and you feel tempted you shouldn’t have been given that power in the first place.  

Image: Chelf Dortlouke

Ditch the diva attitude 

There's a massive difference between building healthy self-respect and becoming high maintenance. We are all equally significant and equally insignificant so for the love of whatever you find holy, don't take yourself too seriously. I haven't heard a single person badmouthing Sakis and there's a good reason for that. He is grounded, humble and acts like a normal person. A sense of entitlement will only cause you harm in the long run. Unpretentious, down to earth and unassuming are the words that come to mind when I think of Rotting Christ, which trust me is a massive part of their success. 

Find a theme and stick to your branding 

Branding matters and if you think that you are too punk-rock to fit in that scenario, reconsider. Even a hardcore punk rock attitude is branding material and there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you define yourself, your band or your brand in a way that reflects your true morals and values, it’s all good. Proper, good branding should aim towards creating a memorable impression of your work and will help you target the right audience; the people that you truly want to connect with.  

Be relatable and connect to your audience 

Besides killer riffs and screams, what makes Rotting Christ so well-liked is that they are relatable and connect with people. They show a true face and that’s a) humane and b) good business. And I don’t even think they did that on purpose, it’s just who they really are. By keeping it real they create a sense of true connection with their fans.  

Be prompt and consistent 

There’s more to being a rock star than touring the world and doing autographs in corpse paint. To get to this point you need to armour yourself with punctuality, proper demeanour, ability to meet deadlines and show up on time, work ethic and perseverance. Be prompt, respectful and trustworthy to earn your crown.

It worked for RC, after all. 

Until the next one,



How to Get Signed by a Label


RIP T-Shirts and CDs: Why Your Band Needs to Get Creative with Merch